
stackstac.mosaic(arr, dim=None, axis=0, *, reverse=False, nodata=nan, split_every=None)#

Flatten a dimension of a DataArray by picking the first valid pixel.

The order of mosaicing is from last to first, meaning the last item is on top.

  • arr (DataArray) – The DataArray to mosaic.

  • dim (Optional[Hashable]) – The dimension name to mosaic. Default: None.

  • axis (Optional[int]) – The axis number to mosaic. Default: 0. If dim is given, axis is ignored.

  • reverse (bool) – If False (default), the last item along the dimension is on top. If True, the first item in the dimension is on top.

  • nodata (Union[int, float]) –

    The value to treat as invalid. Default: NaN.

    To catch common mis-use, raises a ValueError if nodata=nan is used when the array has an integer or boolean dtype. Since NaN cannot exist in those arrays, this indicates a different nodata value needs to be used.

  • split_every (Optional[int]) –

    For Dask arrays: how many chunks to mosaic together at once.

    The Dask default is 4. A higher number will mean a smaller graph, but higher peak memory usage.

    Ignored for NumPy arrays.


The mosaicked DataArray.

Return type:
